Section: Dissemination

Leadership within scientific community

Nicolas Broutin is member of the steering committee of the international meeting on analysis of algorithms (AofA). He has been the referee for the PhD thesis of Elie de Panafieu (Paris 7) and a member of the committee for the PhD thesis of Ross Hemsley (U de Nice).

Christine Fricker is member of the jury of agrégation. She is the leader of PGMO project “Systèmes de véhicules en libre-service: Modélisation, Analyse et Optimisation” with G-Scop (CNRS lab, Grenoble) and Ifsttar. From 1 to 3 years. Starting at 1/10/2013. Christine Fricker was member of Jury de recrutement de CR2 Inria-Saclay.

Philippe Robert is Associate Editor of the Book Series “Mathématiques et Applications” edited by Springer Verlag and Associate Editor of the journal “Queueing Systems, Theory and Applications”. He is member of the scientific council of EURANDOM. He is also associate Professor at the École Polytechnique in the department of applied mathematics where he is in charge of lectures on mathematical modeling of networks. Philippe Robert has been a member of the technical programme committee of the conferences ACM Sigmetrics(2014) Performance(2014) and ICCCN (2014).